Awaken Program

Kerryn Slater Awaken Program Banner | Thrive Factor Archetypes | Thrive Factor Coach self Leadership for women Australia | Melbourne

Tired of wondering if this is all there is to your life and your work?

You are a kind, generous soul who gives so much of yourself to everyone in your world.  At times you feel like you give, give, give and get little to nothing in return. You have so much you want to do, but feel like you have no time to be who you really want to be.

Life is busy. You say yes far too often.

You sometimes find yourself resenting the things you are committed to, but you’d never let anyone else down.

You just want someone to say thanks every now and then. To acknowledge how much you do, how much you care.

You really do love people. You love supporting others and get so excited by the possibility of being there for someone else. You find yourself cheering people, whether they want it or not.

You can leave yourself feeling overwhelmed at times.

You can find yourself exhausted, with nothing left to give.

But you do more, and give more, cheer more and hold space for anyone and everyone you believe in.

You like to learn about yourself. You find personal development fascinating and have learned so much over the years. You love sharing what you learn, particularly when it’s inspired you in some way.

and yet there still feels like something is missing...


You have spent hours and hours wondering where you fit in the world…

You have spent days and days trying to find your place…

You have spent years concerned about how to be the kind of woman you desire to be

You have things to say, people to inspire, magic to create

Yet you ponder

“what’s wrong with me?”

“is there something broken?”

“am I good enough, interesting enough, important enough to be who I really want to be?”

You desire more. You dream of a different way to be. You get overwhelmed and frustrated with where you find yourself and uncertain about how to move forward.

“What’s my next step?”

“How do I find my place in the world?”

“How do I find me…?”

There is nothing wrong, missing or broken beautiful soul.

You may have found yourself lost and uncertain.

You have disconnected from your inner guidance. It is time to come home. It is time to reawaken the spirit within…

I am so glad I decided to commit to Kerryn’s Awaken program.  
This is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. 
I have been challenged, laughed till I cried and connected with amazing women,
but most importantly it has taugh
t me to connect with myself.

Kerryn Slater Awaken Program Banner | Thrive Factor Archetypes | Thrive Factor Coach self Leadership for women Australia | Melbourne

The Awaken Mentoring Program is a 4 month supported experience for you to come home to you.

You will be expertly and magically guided by Kerryn Slater, your host during your Awaken experience. Kerryn brings decades of personal awakening experience to hold the most divine space for you to come home to yourself.  You no longer have to wonder, to ponder, to decide you’re not enough. 

Kerryn has taken the best of her personal learning and reflected on the hundreds of women like you she has worked with, to bring to life her life’s dream to help, guide and support women to be their most beautiful, awakened and therefore empowered selves. This is the Awaken Mentoring Program and Kerryn invites you to join her, along with other curious and inspired souls, to give yourself the gift of re-connection to your innate potential.

The Awaken Mentoring Program welcomes a new cohort of courageous women commencing 16th January 2025 and limited places will be available to ensure an intimate, connected experience. 

The Awaken Mentoring Program is delivered online to maximise the potential for the right women to come together in this journey.

Focused on modules of Self, you will dive into aspects of you that may have been hidden, or lost, or forgotten over time.

Self Clarity

In this module you’ll get to know more about who you truly are. Instead of wondering why you think, feel, respond, act and react to life, you will understand why.

Drawing on the Awaken Archetypes, Kerryn will guide you to know for certain who you are and who you have the potential to be so there’s no more wondering and second guessing. This is the most divine beginning of your Awaken experience.

Self Focus

In this module your Awaken Archetype learning takes a new turn. You will discover the power of manifestation and the art of goal setting that will get results. You will connect with your inner magic and understand how to bring your dreams to reality. All this allows you to feel more confident and ready to take on the world.

Self Belief

In this module we explore the unhappy and unhelpful beliefs that limit you from reaching your full potential. Let’s banish the frustrations as you transform the beliefs into useful, motivating parts of yourself that can support you to move forward, being more you.

Your self belief transformation is a gift as you discover those parts of yourself – your qualities – that others believe in. Now you will too. This will support you to truly believe in all you have to give and all you are here to do. What a blessing that will be!

Self Value

In the Self Value module we layer your experience with an understanding of your gifts and strengths. You see gifts and strengths in others with ease but question what you have to give.

You will reliably embrace your ture value, knowing you are indeed important and valuable to the people in your life and, in fact, to all those you meet.

Self Love

In this final Self module we come to the pinnacle of your Awaken experience and connect to Self Love. Kerryn shares many of her favourite processes and teachings throughout every module, but the Self Love lessons go to the next level.

The more you can genuinely love yourself the better you can engage with the world. You will be reminded of the power of your inner beauty and be able to walk away trusting in your experience and your new found self love.

Integrating all you have learned, you will truly feel that you have Awakened.

The self paced format has allowed me to progress on topics across modules, as well as go
back to modules and review or dig deeper as I have gained an understanding of the
content and a greater belief in myself.

Accountability in the form of regular mentoring calls has ensured I stay on track with the program,
not just in terms of the course content but more importantly to integrate it into my daily life.
Kerryn has been able to effortlessly demonstrate how this knowledge fits into all areas of life,
while also providing a space for Beatrice and I to get to know each other and develop a friendship.
Kerryn Slater Awaken Program Banner | Thrive Factor Archetypes | Thrive Factor Coach self Leadership for women Australia | Melbourne

The Program will begin on the 16th of January 2025.

Enrollments are open now for 10 divine women who are ready to say yes and make 2024 the year that they truly Awaken.

  • The investment for your 4 month guided experience that includes access to self paced online learning via the Holistic Essentials Community Portal
  • The program includes 7 Core Modules of high quality content, plus one bonus module focused on working with afformations (yes you read that correctly – not affirmations!)
  • In addition Kerryn will host fortnightly calls for the 4 month period you are a part of the Awaken experience. This provides you with the opportunity to talk, in a group of fellow Awaken sisters, and with Kerryn about all you are learning. You will be able to ask questions if needed to gain deeper understanding
  • If you’d like added support you will be invited to join Kerryn in a private Facebook Group for added guidance and cheering and magic between your fortnightly calls
  • The Thrive Factor Framework® and its Archetypes have played a pivotal role in the creation of the Awaken experience.
    For the first time, you will receive access to the Thrive Factor assessment.
    Once you have completed the assessment you will receive a personalised detailed report introducing you to each of your Archetypes.
    While a 1:1 session is not included in the Awaken program, you can upgrade to add one at any time during Awaken.
    You may find that your Awaken program experience opens up a new desire to deepen your self understanding and in my experience, as a licensed Thrive Factor Coach® I can affirm that using the Thrive Factor Framework® and your Archetypes is going to excite and motivate you as you expand your self awakening
  • In addition to meeting your Thrive Factor Archetypes, you will receive an Alchemy of the Soul reading at the completion of program. This is a new, never before included experience to provide an extra opportunity to feel completely confident and clear as you engage with the world as an Awakened woman.
  • If you wish to gain this level of insight during the 4 month immersion of Awaken you can invest in an additional session at a special Awaken rate. Information about this will be shared with you during the program

Your investment for this life changing experience is $3333 AUD.

A payment plan is available if this suits you better.

I know that I will continue to refer back to my Awaken notes and journal prompts throughout
the coming years as I continue on my journey of life and self expression in all forms.
I would recommend this program to anyone who has ever questioned or doubted themselves.
I finally feel confident and comfortable to be myself – and Awaken has given me the
tools to ensure I don’t let that light dim again. 

Your next step is to click below and get yourself enrolled.