Your cells are made up of star dust
You are a daughter of the Galaxy
You just know shit
You have a built in bullshit meter
You say it and it happens
When you focus your attention on what you want the world goes out of its way to accommodate you
You have transformed your pain into your greatest healing superpower
You understand the power of ritual, connection, energy and know how to harness this in ways that supports your highest good
You talk to the animals and nature as though they are your long-lost friends
You can and do reach deep within you and tap into the infinite resource of wisdom, strength, and love that you know is always there for you
You can turn the darkest moment into the brightest star
Your glass is always half full
You see the beauty in every soul you meet and shine a light on it for them to see
You tune into the Divine and allow her healing light to flow through you
You always land on your feet
You trust your inner guidance to always lead you to the right people, places, and situations
You celebrate joyfully the good fortune of others
People are drawn to your shining light like moths to the flame
You give others hope when they have lost their own
No matter what the darkness you always find the light
Know it, own it, live it